Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Other Twins Team...

Today was not so much about Minnesota Twins baseball as it was about another Twins team-- The Twin Cities Orthopedic Twins, of the West Metro Miracle League. The Miracle League is basically t-ball for kids with disabilities.

My New Year's Resolution in 2009 was to get more involved in the Community. It made me ponder the question: What are you passionate about? Let's see: cooking?- this seems like it could be expensive and time consuming, what else? I love kids, baseball and coaching. Then I heard that Harmon Killebrew was building a Miracle League field at Bennett Family Park! These are the same fields where I spent my childhood playing softball! I immediately emailed Lisa- the woman (let's call her Miracle Worker) who runs the West Metro Miracle League. She called me back a few days later, and asked me to be a coach. A few weeks later I went to a practice at the Minnetonka High School "dome"... I fought back tears watching the joy on the players and parents faces, and even the High Schoolers who buddied with our players were having fun! I enjoyed every moment of coaching my Rollx Ranger team. By the end of the season, they asked me to be on the Board of Directors. Who could say no, in just a few short months (8 weeks to be exact), these kids had changed me forever.

This year, I'm coaching the Twin Cities Orthopedic Twins. Today was our first game. I'm still learning names, but we had a great time.

The day started out with hugs from TC Bear
Then TC helped out with the player introductions!
It got a little crazy when 4 of our Twins stood on homeplate together!
Take Me Out to the Ballgame is sung during the 7th inning stretch- just like the pros!
The day was filled with smiles! The players and their buddies got treat tickets and were off! See you next Sunday for Mother's Day! :)

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