Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Squirrels and Postponements... more TF History!

Thank you to Wayne the Twins photog for snapping this one per my request! It was a crazy night! Squirrels loose on the field (I hope SOMEONE got a pic of that!) and a rain delay followed by an official suspended game. What else can you expect from the Yankees?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Game as a Fan! May 12th!

I hadn't sold my day game tickets yet, so I decided to ask Mom if she wanted to go. SHE DID! :) So I picked her up and we headed down to the park.

We treated the day much like the State Fair-- it's all about the food! And, if you share everything you get to try twice as much. It was cold, so our first stop of the day was the bar. Where my favorite bartender, Paul, hooked us up with some Irish Coffee. I gave mom the Legend's Club tour, and then we went up to see Dave and Jess at the ECC. (should have taken pictures, I guess) It was nearly game time, so we stopped by Tony O's to get a Cuban Sandwich. YUM. Later we got a Krymarcuk's Brat, and some gelato.

Despite the weather, it was a fun day with mom... and oh yeah, the Twins won! :)

First Double Header at Target Field- Sat May 8th

Our first rainout, followed our first Double Header! It was a crazy long day! I worked 13.5 hours and walked something like 23,753 steps! And it was totally worth it- to be there for history, to be there because we get to play outside now! I searched all day for something that I could take a picture of as "proof" of out double header. Finally after game one- I saw the "next game" sign on the board... it said, "next game tonight!"
After the game, we were asked to help clean up! Ok, that's fine, but really? I picked up a couple bags of trash and it was disgusting. I'm really grateful for my education that allows me to not pick up trash for a living. But, I made sure to document the occasion- as it was a part of the "experience" of the double header. Thanks Terri for posing!
And after the trash pick up, a few of us hung out in the press box lobby until we had to start getting ready for game #2! I took this picture of Peg... I think it's cute!
So that's it! The double header was really not as big of a deal that I thought it was going to be. Still it was a memorable day at Target Field!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Historical Weekend Ahead...Friday, May 7th

So, here we go- another Target Field First! After a nearly perfect April, Minnesota weather finally hit us. It's been raining ALL day, and the temperatures are supposed to drop enough to get snow in the Minneapolis area overnight, with up to 3 inches falling just north of the metro.

We'll see about that.

None-the-less... the Twins have called thier first weather related postponement. A rainout! So, while we revel in a random free night off... we prepare for another first: tomorrow's Day/Night double header!

Staffers: I'd love to hear what you did with your random free night.

Tomorrow we bust back out the pedometer and see who makes it through the double header!

Tigers, Rainbows, and Brooms...

The series against the Tigers was a great one! Our first series sweep of the season! There were great games and lots of fun to be had!

For starters, Monday night, I experienced my first Target Field Twins game from my couch! It was very strange to watch the game on TV. It still seems to me that outdoor games are not played at home. I guess I'm just not used to it yet!

Then Tuesday rolled around. Would this be our first rain delay? It did rain plenty during the game, but caused no delay and for the most part the warm temperatures kept fans in thier seats. Check out the clouds as they rolled by Target Field! Thanks to Angela Lillie for the pictures... my camera was in my locker!

Then later, there was a rainbow! SO fun! At one time there was a double rainbow, I'm sure there are photos out there, but I haven't seen any yet.

The rainbow brought the Twins good luck that night. They found the pot of gold in some bottom of the 9th craziness by JJ Hardy! A triple off the wall and scoring on a wild pitch.

The series ended with a day game win. Sweep! sweep! sweep!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Other Twins Team...

Today was not so much about Minnesota Twins baseball as it was about another Twins team-- The Twin Cities Orthopedic Twins, of the West Metro Miracle League. The Miracle League is basically t-ball for kids with disabilities.

My New Year's Resolution in 2009 was to get more involved in the Community. It made me ponder the question: What are you passionate about? Let's see: cooking?- this seems like it could be expensive and time consuming, what else? I love kids, baseball and coaching. Then I heard that Harmon Killebrew was building a Miracle League field at Bennett Family Park! These are the same fields where I spent my childhood playing softball! I immediately emailed Lisa- the woman (let's call her Miracle Worker) who runs the West Metro Miracle League. She called me back a few days later, and asked me to be a coach. A few weeks later I went to a practice at the Minnetonka High School "dome"... I fought back tears watching the joy on the players and parents faces, and even the High Schoolers who buddied with our players were having fun! I enjoyed every moment of coaching my Rollx Ranger team. By the end of the season, they asked me to be on the Board of Directors. Who could say no, in just a few short months (8 weeks to be exact), these kids had changed me forever.

This year, I'm coaching the Twin Cities Orthopedic Twins. Today was our first game. I'm still learning names, but we had a great time.

The day started out with hugs from TC Bear
Then TC helped out with the player introductions!
It got a little crazy when 4 of our Twins stood on homeplate together!
Take Me Out to the Ballgame is sung during the 7th inning stretch- just like the pros!
The day was filled with smiles! The players and their buddies got treat tickets and were off! See you next Sunday for Mother's Day! :)